Parenting Hub

18th Apr 2018

Parenting Hub is a great resource for parents. It includes a business directory with a list of companies providing everything you could possibly need as a parent. It also has loads of information from advice columns and activities, to recipes. […]

Our experts in the news

24th Feb 2016

We are very proud of our experts and know that they all have a passion for their work. Juazel, our Clinical Psychologist was consulted on a hot topic at the moment, regarding screen time for children. Her expert advice was […]

This is our happily ever after….

19th Apr 2015

Yeah yeah yeah! A big congratulations to our expert and Clinical Psychologist, Juazel Pieterse, now de Villiers on marrying her Prince Charming, Thinus. May the two of you be blessed in your marriage and lives together.

New curriculum

1st Feb 2015

After many long long long hours, we are proud to announce that our new curriculum is now available. We have expanded our format so that there is more than 1 way to use our program. We know that everyone is […]